Wednesday, 12 December 2012

The Gallery

Photo and Video During Observation


 Ochado Genting Klang Outlet with 'New Taste' Board

 Ochado ready to celebrite Chirstmas :-P

 Ochado Top Sales Board

 Ochado Japanese Pan Cake Mille Crepe (Thousand Layers Pan Cakes)

 The layout of payment and received item

 The decoration inside the Ochado Outlet

The atmosphere inside the outlet


During Lunch Time 13:00

During Night Time 21:00 


In conclusion, the way of Ochado operating thier business with other tea series franchise competitors are different. Ochado is become famous and famous because of their concept in using Japanese Green Tea and Matcha as base for the drinks. Because most of the consumer of Ochado is female, female are more take care for thier health and beauty. So, Ochado are able bring the message to the customer about the healthier of their drink compare with other competitor. Besides that, Ochado able to provide more peace atmosphere for the in house customer so they able to sitting there and relax or have a discussion. And also the layout for the process of make payment and received item is crucial to make Ochado differentiate with others. By shorten the purchasing time of consumer is encourage the consumer to make an order in Ochado for solving the thirsty problem even running of time. The special design of signboard for top sales drinks and new taste drink not only help Ochado increase thier profit and also earn the brand recognize among the drinkers that Ochado are always lead in tea industry. Lastly, the Japanese thousand layers pan cake is shows that how special of Ochado by adopt the western culture whereby tea and cake is come up together during tea time but Ochado translate it to eastern by using Japanese cuisine.

Analysis of Observation

Based on pie chart, Ochado customer 66% (75 persons) are female and 34% (38 persons) are male

 Based on pie chart, Ochado consumer 87% are Chinese (98 persons), 10% are Malay (12 persons), 2% are Indian (2 persons), 1% Others (1 person).

 Based on pie chart, 67% are take away (76 persons), remaining 33% are in house (37 persons).

Based on pie chart, The purpose for in-house customer 57% (21 persons)are chit chat with each other, 32% are study purpose (12 persons), 11% are business purpose (4 persons).

Based on pie chart, 19% of the Ochado consumers (22 Person) are make an order from Top Sales Board.

Based on pie chart, 12% of the Ochado consumers (14 persons) are make an order from 'New Taste' Board.

Based on pie chart, 7% of the Ochado consumers (8 persons) are make an order in drinks with Pan-Cake Layers.

Ochado Differentiate with Other Competitors (Observation)

I'm using qualitative technique by using observation in this research.

There are 10 sessions of
observation in 2 days at the same week (26/11
/2012 and 29/11/2012) for the Ochado outlet at PV128, Jalan Genting Klang, Setapak.

This is the result in 2 days observation

  • Ochado have a unique concept in making the tea. They are applying Japanese green tea and Matcha as their base for many of drinks that you unable to find on other competitor.

  • Ochado have a ‘new taste’ board to promote the new flavor of the drinks and new type of topping let the consumer have the new choice to choose.

  • In Ochado, consumers able make a special request in percentage of the sugar and percentage of ice of the drinks.

  • Ochado also promote a top sales board to help to promote the top sales drinks in the outlet and also helps the consumer for make decision quickly.

  • Besides Drink, Ochado also promote the variety Japanese thousand layers pan cake for the consumer that cannot found on other competitor outlets.

  • The theme of the design of Ochado outlet is more toward to Japanese culture whereby the floor and the furniture are made by synthetic wood and also decoration with Japanese decor.  
  •  In Ochado, there are separate counters for make the payment and received the item to make sure the flow of purchasing is much more effective and efficiency.

    • In this 2 days observation, there are total 133 consumers visited and purchase the product from Ochado . Observation done in half hour in every two hours time started at 1pm whereby its lunch time.

    • In majority, the consumers are female.

    • In majority, most of the consumers are chinese based on their language speaking during make an order.

    • Most of the time during observation, consumer are take-away the product after purchased it.

    • For in-house customer, most of them are take the opportunity to relax themselves by chit –chat with other friend. Some of them are student who take the opportunity having the group assignment discussion or group study mostly in the afternoon session. Some of them are working also take the opportunity to having small meeting or group meeting with other at night session.

    • During the whole observation, 21 of the consumer are choose the drinks from top sales board, 13 of the consumer are trying the new flavor and 8 of consumer are purchased the drink with the Japanese pan cake.

    Ochado Background

    What is Ochado?

    Ochado is derived from two japanese words
    Ocha and Chado
    Ocha means 'Tea'
    Chado is used to describe the 'Way of Tea' or also known as 'Japanese Tea Ceremony'.
    And just like the tea ceremony, Ochado believe in making guests feel at home through the everyday sharing of tea.
     The Origin of Ochado

    Ochado originates from Japan (though first outlet is on Singapore). It strives to take the unique Japanese tea concept to another level while still staying true of the art of Japanese art brewing. The drinks are made with the ingredients from Japan.
    The Concept of Product

    Japanese Green Tea and Matcha is the base of every single drink to make their drink more healthier for customer and with in option of sweetness level to no sugar added selection. Besides that, Ochado also offer famous Japanese pan cake - Mille Crepe (means thousand layers) which contains of 25 layers pan cake in Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry and etc.

    When Ochado Exist

    The first Ochado outlet is on Singapore at 19 March 2010, In year 2011, The first Ochado outlet in Malaysia on Pavilion, Kuala Lumpur.

    Tuesday, 4 December 2012

    Welcome To Ochado

    Ochado Genting Klang Outlet
    Ochado Board Menu
     Ochado Entrance